Thursday, April 17, 2008

Save Darfur

Why do you think this is an effective video?


Anonymous said...

The pictures in this video has a big impact.

Anonymous said...

What is the impact of the pictures in this video? Be more specific with your comments LD

Anonymous said...

This Video is effective because it exposes the viewer to the horrid events that are taking place in Darfur today, and it grabs the viewers attention immediately.

Anonymous said...

Impressive, I learned a lot about what is going on in Darfur that I didnt know. The pictures of the children looking so sick and unhealthy was hard to look at but it helped to get the point across.

Anonymous said...

ashley rosenblum
this video is definitley effective and really hits home, not only did the images open your eyes to whats going on, but it makes you want to do soemthing about it

Mr. Stein said...

Really interesting music choice. The jarring nature of the rock beat really makes the images and the plight of those in Darfur come alive! Good job!

Anonymous said...

I really liked the way that the stories were told using the dialogue it made me realize what is happening in darfur and makes me want to do something about it

Anonymous said...

There are many terrible things that are going on there, I think this video has a preety good moral of what it is going after, It has good information and also interresting facts that help let the person watching the video,Get a full in dept idea of what is really taking place there..