Thursday, April 17, 2008

Save the Children

Craig C., Joe D., Elena D., and Rob T.

1. Save the children is a leading international organization helping children in need around the world.

2. The aim of improving the lives of children through, education, health care and economic opportunities, as well as emergency aid in case of natural disasters, war, and conflict.

3. Today, twenty-eight national save children organizations participate in the international save the children alliance - a global network of nonprofit organizations working in over working in over 120 countries around the world.

Why do you think this is an affective video?


Anonymous said...

This video gives alot of information. I like how it was shown as a story, to save the other childs life

Anonymous said...

The children in the video and their stories were very touching. It made me want to make a difference in their lives by contributing to Save the Children.

Anonymous said...

This video show that we can make a difference by helping children in need. Also by donating we can help the children attend school and have health care.

Anonymous said...

I really liked your video, I thought the use of contrasting stories was very effective in getting you point across. I also thought the images used were very touching. The image of the crying child in the blue shirt really got to me.

Mr. Stein said...

The back and forth between the two girl's stories really does bring the issue home for people.